Saturday, September 19, 2015

(May 16, 2015) The Seymour Half Marathon

I've done this race for three years in a row now. It takes place on the same day that a "local" race takes place northeast of Indianapolis but because this race benefits Seymour's Animal Rescue efforts, I choose to participate in this one.

Seymour, IN is about 75 miles south of Indianapolis and takes about an hour and 20 minutes to get there. Since they offer packet pickup race morning and I know that the shirt will be a cotton T-shirt, I just get everything THAT morning. Along with your registration fee, you are asked to also bring items that the Red Sky Rescue can use; dog food, collars, old towels.

I seriously remember almost nothing from this race. I think that's mostly because it has been just like the previous years.

Not surprising...I had to stop halfway and use the restroom. I think I stop at the same gas station every year! It drizzled a little on my drive down there - and although the forecast didn't look so favorable - I don't remember getting rained on during the race. If anything, it would have been just a drizzle from time to time.
Another race for which I hadn't trained and thus I was 20 minutes slower than last year!

Here is the link from last year, if you'd like to check it out:

But nothing beats being able to hold an adorable puppy to have your finishers picture taken with:
I did notice on my way in that Seymour got a new "welcome" sign so I had to get a picture. A coworker of mine is from there so I wanted to text him how fancy his hometown is now. LOL
The last thing to do before leaving was to do the medal photo shoot. I already had visions that it should be in the "country" with maybe a barn. So I drove back out on some of the back roads and finally found what I thought would make a great picture. I was surprised that the cows started coming toward me. I guess they thought I might have some food. Or maybe they were just ready for their close-up, Mr. DeMIlle. (will some of you get what that means?!?!?)
Lifetime Half Marathon #73 and the 3rd of 2015.

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